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06 January 2025

Franco Ramos

[ATTACK] Militant Mapuche group Weichan Auka Mapu conducts NYE incendiary attack in the Biobo Region of Chile

During early morning (02:15 am) on January 1st, 2025, five trucks belonging to the Forestal Arauco were destroyed due to an incendiary attack in Los Alamos commune. The action took place near a hostel where the truck drivers were resting for the night, the militants slipped inside and set fire to the machinery


Close to the burnt trucks the militants left a written message with the WAM logo that read:

Katrileo Yempi present

Free Tranamil, Keupil and all PPM (Mapuche Political Prisoners)

Creation of a Mapuche module for the PPM in the CCP (penitentiary) Biobío

No to the “usurpations law” and the commission for peace and understanding (government presidential committee)

Forestry, eolic parks, landowners and capitalist investors out of the wallmapu.

Ñielole Mapu Muleay Aukan.

Original text:

Katrileo Yempi presente Libertad Tranamil, Keupil y todos lo ppm

Creacion modulo Mapuche para los ppm ccp biobio

No a la ley de usurpación a la comision paz y buen entendimiento

Fuera forestales, parques eolicos, latifundistas e inversions capitalistas en wallmapu. Ñielole Mapu Muleay)

This marks the first militant Mapuche attack of the year after several weeks of tension since the group first published a message in December accepting the involvement of ex-members in drug trafficking and other crimes, while the government announced more investment in infrastructure for the police in the region (6.800 usd) in the form of a brand new Schiebel Camcopter S-100.

The attack has been condemned by the media, the national corporation of truck owners and the right-wing senator for the region Carmen Gloria Aravena who called for the government to write a new intelligence law that would allow to “put the members of WAM behind bars and disarticulate every groups that sows terror”.


  1. Cooperativa. "Ataque incendiario en Los Álamos dejó una camioneta y cuatro camiones destruidos." Cooperativa, January 1, 2025. Accessed January 9, 2025.

  2. Radio Agricultura. "Senadora Aravena condena ataque incendiario en Los Álamos." Radio Agricultura, January 1, 2025. Accessed January 9, 2025.

  3. Araucanía Noticias. "Senadora Aravena: ‘Espero que una de las metas del gobierno este año sea aprobar una ley de inteligencia que permita encarcelar a los terroristas.’" Araucanía Noticias, January 1, 2025. Accessed January 9, 2025.

  4. Canal 9. "Vehículos de empresa forestal fueron quemados en Los Álamos: se encontró lienzo en el lugar." Canal 9 Bío Bío Televisión, January 1, 2025. Accessed January 9, 2025.

  5. La Tercera. "Tohá entrega dron especializado a Carabineros para vigilancia en la región de La Araucanía: Inversión supera los $6 mil millones en un ejemplar." La Tercera, January 1, 2025. Accessed January 9, 2025.

  6. Radio Kurruf. "Comunicado: Weichan Auka Mapu reconoce errores como parte de la lucha autonomista contra el Estado y forestales." Radio Kurruf, December 9, 2024. Accessed January 9, 2025.

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