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Chin National Defense Force

Flag of the CNDF, a blue, red, and green tricolor with a black and white central crest showing a bird and a crossed spear and rifle.

Insurgency Overview

The Chin National Defense Force (CNDF) is the armed wing of the Chin National Organization (CNO), a Chin ethnic armed organization. The Chin are an ethnolinguistically diverse demographic indigenous to the Chin State of western Myanmar. The CNDF was founded in 2021 as a response to the overthrow of the democratically elected government of Myanmar by the Tatmadaw, Myanmar’s military, in February 2021. The main objective of the CNDF is armed resistance against Myanmar’s governing military junta through guerrilla tactics, similar to other active resistance groups operating within the Chin State and the country as a whole, and as a response to the junta’s overthrowing of the democratic government.

History & Foundations

Settlement in Chin State dates back to the 14th and 15th centuries, with different Chin chiefs leading, even when Britain arrived and indirectly ran the area. Once Britain granted independence to the whole nation, Chin State opted for a more democratic government. Civil unrest ended the state’s democratic rule in the 1960s. Protests began in the 1980s, resulting in countless deaths and imprisonments by the nation’s military. A ceasefire was later signed; however, stability has not returned to Chin State, and hunger, poverty, forced labor, and military conscription remain issues today. Past and current actions such as these by the Myanmar government have fueled grievances among the Chin people, leading to a resistance movement that continues today.

The CNDF and CNO were both founded in April 2021. They mostly consist of the ethnic Chin people of Chin State, which is located in western Myanmar, bordering the Indian states of Manipur and Mizoram. These organizations are headquartered in Falam Township, part of the Falam District in the northern part of Chin State. The CNO manages various services within Chin State, such as its judiciary, financial, home and external affairs, health, and education departments.

According to William Chin, a spokesman for the CNO, “The formation of the CNO and the CNDF mainly aims to build up a federal democracy-based union, ensure the autonomy of Chin nationals, and build up a sustainable and peaceful human society political space” (10).

Recruiting is handled at the local level, similar to other groups engaged in operations against the military junta, who came into power after overthrowing the democratically elected government, throwing the nation into further civil unrest.

Recruits are trained similarly to other ethnic militias in Myanmar. Training camps, with areas for running drills, target shooting, and other obstacles are part of the process, and they even train snipers in separate courses. Foreign military personnel, such as a United States former service member, have also trained recruits (14).

Objectives & Ideology

Both the CNDF and CNO oppose the junta government, combining armed resistance in the form of guerilla operations with political pressure from the general public through campaigns and protests. Increased presence also helps to drive up recruitment and involvement in both parts.

Democracy on a federal level is also a key objective of the group, along with the defense of Chin State and its people (12). They aim to secure stability and security for the population of Chin State and address social issues such as poverty, homelessness, and hunger, as Chin State is one of the poorest areas in Myanmar.

Political & Military Abilities

Most of the CNDF’s armaments consist of captured gear, such as those captured from military forces or law enforcement during raids or ambushes. This gives the CNDF similar combat capabilities to the junta forces. The CNDF, in combination with allies, reuses this gear against junta forces when successful raids are carried out against enemy outposts.

Anti-junta resistance groups are mostly armed with small arms, light vehicles such as technicals or transport vehicles, and anti-vehicle/air weapons such as MANPADS (Man Portable Air-Defense System) or shoulder-fired anti-tank launchers, such as the Russian RPG-7. Other weapons include 40mm grenade launchers such as the American M79, and various captured fragmentation grenades (2, 19).

Possession of MANPADS is especially concerning for the junta air force, as these weapons give groups like the CNDF and its allies a way to counter airstrikes.

Weapons commonly used by the CNDF include the MA pattern of rifles chambered in 5.56x45, like the MA-1 standard issue rifle or the MA-2 light machine gun, as these were produced locally. CNDF personnel have also used captured rifles in 7.62x51, such as the BA-72, a copy of the German G3, or the BA-63, a clone of the G3’s light machine gun variant. Small caliber marksman-style weapons are also among the weapons captured, as well as handguns such as the MA-5 Mk1 and Mk2, and older style revolvers, like the S&W Victory, or Webley pattern revolvers left behind by the British. Interestingly, there are some examples of crudely made or “homemade” firearms being put into use (16).

On top of using captured weapons, the CNDF and its allies also capture ammunition, uniforms, helmets, and similar personal equipment from deceased or captured junta fighters. Photos show other captured weapons such as hand grenades, anti-tank landmines, heavy machine guns like the 14.5mm KPV, mortars, captured artillery guns, and various other munitions (2).

Utilizing the terrain is a key component in the CNDF’s military tactics, taking advantage of thick jungle or urban environments. The junta has recently enacted stricter conscription laws, resulting in some recruits being poorly trained, armed, and lacking motivation (4). This gives resistance groups like the CNDF an advantage when engaging with poorly trained enemy forces.

Approach to Resistance

The CNDF employs tactics similar to other resistance groups, such as ambush tactics, hit-and-run attacks, and other methods to counter, disrupt, and harass junta forces. Ambush attacks are very common, especially against junta supply and transport convoys, as we have seen.

The bulk of CNDF military activities consist of ground operations, as they do not possess any aerial support or aquatic vessels to counter those of the junta government.

The resistance campaign has resulted in over half of Chin State coming under Chin State resistance control (18). This has compounded the increasing unpopularity of the junta as well as the increased unity of the Chin people. The CNO also manages local affairs, similar to a local government or legislative figure.

Relations & Alliances

The CNDF and CNO wish to cooperate with the National Unity Government (NUG), an entity formed in part by the Committee Representing Pyidaungsu Hluttaw (CRPH) and other local political and armed forces based out of Chin State (10).

The CNDF often partners and collaborates with other ethnic Chin groups such as the Chin Defense Force (CDF), Chin National Front (CNF), and People’s Defense Force (PDF), which also conduct operations against junta forces (3, 6).

The CNO and CNDF are a part of the Chin Brotherhood, an alliance formed in December 2023 as a means of increasing interoperability between local Chin ethnic armed organizations and as a response to the Chinland Council, which was viewed as ineffective and not representative of the goals of unity and cooperation shared by various actors operating in Chin State (20).

Works Cited

(1) Lwin, Saw (4.3.2024) Myanmar Junta’s Free Rein in Mindat Ends as Chin Defense Force Resume’s Battle, Myanmar, The Irrawaddy

(2) CMO/CNDF’s Official Telegram Channel

(3) Unknown, (12.23.2024) Approximately 170 Myanmar Junta personnel surrender during battle for Midat and Falam, Myanmar, Mizzima News

(4) Unknown, (6.7.2024) Forced recruitment pushes young people into ranks of the resistance, Vatican City, Agenzia Fides,

(5) Hein, Ye Myo ( 11.3.2022) Understanding People’s Defense Force in Myanmar, Washington D.C., United States Institute of Peace (USIP)

(6) The Irrawaddy, (4.11.2023) Two Dozen Myanmar Junta Troops Killed in Chin State Camp Raid Myanmar, The Irrawaddy,

(7) MyanmarNow, (7.26.2021) Around 800 Falam villagers flee as junta troops go on rampage, MyanmarNow, Myanmar

(8) MyanmarNow (10.19.2021) Chin resistance fighters destroy half a military convoy amid buildup of junta forces MyanmarNow, Myanmar,

(9) Kim, Ngo Zam (6.12.2024) 5 members of the Chin Nying Naung troops were killed during the Battle of Titin, Mizzima News, Myanmar

(10) Benezer, Salai (4.23.2021) Chin people form CNO, CNDF, Burma News International, Myanmar

(11) Editor of Khonumthung Media Group (4.19.2023) CNDF Capture Burma army military camp near Falam Town, Khonumthung Media Group, Mizoram, India

(12) Official website of the CNO/CNDF, Chin State, Myanmar

(13) UNICEF Website, New York

(14) Mizzma (12.21.2022) Chin National Defense Force being trained by U.S. armed forces veteran, Mizzima News, Myanmar,they%20are%20having%20to%20train%20with%20a.

(15) Zofa Journal (3.26.2024) CNDF Chuan Pasaltha Training Na A buat saih March 26th, 2023, Zofa Journal, Kalemyo, Sagaing, Myanmar.

(16) Aung, Nora (5.31.2022) Myanmar Resistance groups get creative to manufacture weapons, The Irrawaddy, Myanmar

(17) MyanmarNow (7.13.2022) Fighting breaks out on border separating Chin State and Sagaing Reigon, MyanmarNow, Myanmar

(18) Ourwarstoday2 (1.27.2025) Chin State on the brink, Ourwarstoday2, United States

(19) Afa, Azad (7.15.2024) CNDF Sniper Training, Azad_Afa, Myanmar

(20) Burma News International (BMI) (1.2.2024) Chin Brotherhood Alliance emerges as three organizations skip Chinland council conference, pledging enhanced political and military cooperation, BMI, Myanmar.

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